Corporate photo

This is a story of connections. We went to this financial planner about 6 months ago for some advice. In the process I talked about starting my own business and the principal planner (the guy in the front) gave some off the cuff advice about how important it is to stay in contact with your real and potential clients. I took his advice and kept in contact with him and 6 months later got a call to do their updated corporate photos and website.

In the process of doing that I have now landed another contract with a husband of one of the other employees helping with his company’s website.

Good Day Tulsa

My wife, Linda, took this while waiting in the ‘green room’ for me to finish the interview on ‘Good Day Tulsa’. It is a morning show that follows Good Morning America here in town. I was being interviewed about my napkin being in Time Magazine and the napkin story behind it all.

The best part was that the interviewer, Kristin Dickerson, agreed to let me do a photo collage of her for my ‘Velveteen Woman’ project!