My Favorite Cake at the State Fair

Man, was this ever the stand out for me. What a great, innovative idea for a cake! As a designer, I love going through the cake display in general. There are so many creative decisions that are made (or not made) that make looking at the creations well worth the time.

High Contrast – Composition with Attention

Fourth in my high contrast series.

‘Composition With Attention’

I really love this image, not so much because of the contrast, though I like that, but
because of the great moment it captures. That moment when everything is ready to go and
yet something or someone isn’t quite ready. Some are looking, some are waiting. All
the while we don’t know what is off camera that is causing it.

High Contrast – What I Woke Up To Saturday Morning

Third in my high contrast series.

‘What I Woke Up To Saturday Morning’

This was my view as I opened my eyes one Saturday morning in 2006. I lived in my long
moved out daughter’s white wicker bedroom since my father was given my downstairs
bedroom when he moved in in September of 2005.

I loved the high contrast and cool air of that scene and I immediately woke up and got
my camera and crawled back into bed to get the shot.

High Contrast – Black Out

Continuing on with my high contrast series.

‘Black Out’

Came to work back in 2006 to find we had a black out after a big storm. Couldn’t work
in my office since it has no windows and is in the tornado shelter hallway, VERY dark.
I walked around taking some photos of students studying under some of the emergency
lights that were on.

An American Lawn

Number 5 in my week of American Colors.

I chose this one for the Fourth of July because it is the quintessential eccentric American scene. The guy who lives in this house is a golf fanatic. He has a mini putting green on his lawn, complete with sand trap, water hazard (off to the right) and a pin. In the background is Old Glory illuminated by the sun. Gotta love America!