Stop Sign #10

Stop sign #10 – But…but…but…
Answer: no excuses, go be who you are suppose to be and create what you are suppose
to create. Don’t wimp out, don’t be a lazy baby about it. If you see something on
the side of the road that might make a good photo, STOP YOUR CAR and take it! And
no, I don’t mean you should do that on the way to your daughter’s wedding with a car
full of people. Be smart about it obviously.

Here is a good quote. “It is easier to act yourself into another way of feeling than
it is to feel yourself into another way of acting.” What that means in the context
of the stop signs is that if you wait until you feel creative to act on it, you might
wait a long time. But if you act creative, if you take the photo, walk around the
corner, look at a detail, pay attention to the light, even if you don’t feel
creative, guess what? You will have a VERY creative day!

So, go take the photo! Then take another and another and another until you can’t
stop smiling because you are so proud of yourself, just as we all will be.

Stop Sign #8

Stop sign #8 – It costs too much.
Answer: What is it you can’t afford? A point and shoot camera? A computer?
Transportation? Membership fees? Be creative, find a camera at a pawn shop, or a
resale shop. If you can’t afford a new computer, once again, find a refurbished one.
Maybe trade services for what you need. You don’t have to go anywhere to create
interesting photos, you have yourself as a subject, and you don’t have to travel to
get there do you? You have your home, your yard, your sidewalk, your street signs.

I realized by having children that we are all capable of saying we don’t have the
time or the money to do something. But I found out that without exception my children
almost always found a way to do the things they REALLY wanted to do. That usually
did not include cleaning out the garage with dad, so in that case they had too much
homework. But a call from a friend to go to the movies, well, in that case, they
realized they could do their homework when they got home, or in the morning. In
other words, they WANTED to go to the movies, and found a way.

In other words, don’t say ‘I can’t afford it’. Say instead ‘HOW can I afford it?’
and go out and find the way.

Do you WANT to be a photographer, an artist, a creative person? Then you WILL find a
way and you will not use excuses.

Stop Signs #3

Part 3 of a 10 part series on stop signs in your head that keep you from creating art.

Stop sign #3 – My equipment isn’t good enough. Answer: Then you would have to
explain why photographer’s work from 75-100 years ago are worth thousands and
esteemed the world over as great photographs when their equipment sucked compared to
ours now. Even if all you have is a point and shoot, it is YOU that makes the photo
great, not the camera.

This photo, by my friend Aikithereska on flickr, was made with a rudimentary pinhole
camera. No aperture, no shutter speed, just a hole in a box. You can’t get any more
primitive photographic equipment than that. And she got a great photo out of it.

The point is, lack of equipment is an excuse and shows a lack of imagination. Go out
and take photos with what you have, quit waiting for a better something.

, originally uploaded by aikithereska.