
Hello and welcome to the redesigned martycoleman.com site circa 2014.  The last redesign was back in 2009, a LONG time ago.

In 2009 not only did I redesign the site but I also migrated my blogger blog, ‘The Digital Human’, over to WordPress. The intent at that time was to eventually integrate it into the then new site.  However, my other blog ‘The Napkin Dad Daily’, pretty much took over my life at that point and I put this blog on hold.

The Old is New

I never did get rid of it and when I decided to redesign this time around I also decided to activate the old blog as an archive. There are a number of years worth of entries and I didn’t want to lose them. They also speak to many issues about photography and art that are still interesting so there was no reason not to include them in the site.

The New is New

I will of course be adding new posts as time progresses but for now, enjoy the new site, take a look at the new galleries and peruse the old blog entries if you would like.

I will also be adding more information about me, my work, where it can be seen and purchased, as well as adding new galleries that flesh out my creative history over the decades.

Thanks and welcome once again,

Marty Coleman