by Administrator | May 2, 2006 | alley , cloud , clouds , contrast , landscape , meteorology , oklahoma , photo , photograph , rain , rotation , storm , storms , thunderstorm , tornado , tornadoes , tulsa
That little cloud coming down is what you might see when a tornado is forming. It was about a few miles away I figure, but it wasn’t anything to worry about we could tell. Turned out to just be a thunder and lightning show for us, the scary stuff was farther north.
by Administrator | Oct 2, 2005 | apron , blender , david , gender , kitchen , michelangelo , model , nude , oklahoma , penis , photo , photography , tulsa , woman
Shown at the exhibition ‘Gross Anatomy’ – Apertures Gallery, Tulsa, OK. October, 2005
by Administrator | Oct 2, 2005 | arizona , arrow , big , black and white , composition , headdress , indian , landscape , large , marty coleman , penis , photo , photograph , sky
Was surprised to see the penis, aren’t you?
by Administrator | Oct 2, 2005 | arizona , forest , landscape , martycoleman , petrified , petrified forest , photo , photograph , sign
We looked for that damn forest, but it was so petrified…