Composition in Fall

What a perfect walkabout find at the Fair! A beautiful African American woman was standing at a food booth and there was that ‘gotta stop moment’ when all the world fell into perfect harmony.

‘Composition in Fall’

This was an instant favorite of mine before I even looked at the results a few moments later. It couldn’t have been set up in a studio any better.

Color Composition #6

A continuation of the color composition series I started posting last week. This one
is a good example of something I was trying to impart to the other participants in
our ‘color and composition’ outing at the Farmer’s Market.

That is to look behind, above, inside, around and under things to find shots. Don’t
just walk down the middle of the aisle at head height and take photos of one thing or
the obvious thing. Check out behind the booths, find what is under one of the tables
or inside a bin on the table. Be curious and bold in other words. This was a bin of
bags for customers off to the side of a vegetable table. I loved the combination of
such a utilitarian thing with the great color arrangement. Being close to the Fourth
of July didn’t hurt.

Color Composition #3

A continuation of the Color Composition series I started last week. The photos were
all taken on a very bright and sunny morning at the farmer’s market as part of a
photography group I was leading that day where we focused on color and composition as
the defining factor in a photograph.

I just had to catch up with this woman and ask her to if I could take her photo. She
was standing right next to this table and the red/red/red was just too luscious to

Cherry Street Farmer’s Market, 6/14/08, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Color Composition #1

Second in the series on Color Composition. I loved finding the little baskets sitting
in the sun next to the crumpled piece of paper that had the same color. the deep rich
version of that same color in the umbrella pole and the shadow cutting between the
other two made the composition worth capturing. The background had colors in the cool
spectrum and that made all the difference in bringing out the warmth of the orange.

Color Composition #5

Sorry for being absent for a few days. We took a road trip to Texas for college
orientation for our daughter.

The remainder of this week and next I am going to show a series of color compositions I
did while at the local Farmer’s Market here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
I led a small group from our photo club in experimenting with color and composition and
here are a few of the images I came up with.

Striations of Emotional and Cultural Geography

These were all taken on a brilliant October day in Luray, Virginia. My eldest daughter was getting married and some of our dearest friends took the day off and drove from Annapolis, MD to be there. This is a collage of the mother and the eldest daughter of that family. It includes the fabric from their dresses, a necklace, freckles and collarbones.

Way back when, in the 1980s, there was a very young and stylish guy who came to work at the restaurant where I worked, Eulipia. He was 18. We became friends over many years of working together. He moved down to LA eventually and I met him once down there for dinner with his girlfriend. They eventually married and he became a flight attendant on USAIR.

They settled in Annapolis, MD and many years later what should happen but my daughter attended St. John’s College in Annapolis. We reconnected with him and his family and my daughter ended up very close to them all, babysitting the young ones, staying at their home one summer, etc. We would visit whenever we came to town.

So, now that 18 year old kid who met my daughter when she was born, was at her wedding 18 years later with his wife and daughters who I was able to photograph. It was a great and glorious reminder of the beauty that is within the longevity of relationships.