Another in a short series I did using co-workers at the restaurant, Eulipia, where I worked back in the 80s and 90s in San Jose, Ca. This one was a result of a photo shoot with a few people who had freckles. I was in the middle of doing a series of pointillist photo-collages where I glued photos of freckles on top of full-color reproductions of pointillist paintings I had in a big art book.
This collage came about after I saw the possibility of making the negative background space of the sky in the prior collage into a solid positive part of the image. In this case the grass no longer just acts as grass but now has a shape and symbolism that makes it into a real/not real object.
We were in San Francisco for a mini vacation and took a tour of the south of Market gallery area. This San Francisco gallery was airy and the assistant had great eyebrows and there was an interesting painting with the word penis in it and there was a colorful potted tree outside and a wall of tile and next thing I know I have a collage.