Door with Woman Coming Through It

She was standing in the back of the vintage store, trying to step out of her closet into the real world. She had found her style, her look but she was still tentative about stepping into the limelight, about getting attention for who she was. But she was halfway out and you can’t get all the way out without first going half way. I knew she would make it eventually.

‘Door with Woman Coming Through It’


She was sitting across from me as I was holding down the fort waiting for our daughter while my unwife went browsing the little stores on 4th Avenue in Tucson. Turns out she was acquaintances with my daughter. I told her we were hoping her friends would watch out for her since we didn’t live in Tucson and she said she would, but was leaving to move back home to Oregon in three weeks.


She had moved to Tucson to become independent and discover new things, just develop on her own, which she had done for 6 months. But she was homesick for family and felt that the lack of structure to her life in Tucson, without the familiar obligations and connections was very hard. Her Uncle was in the hospital and she felt bad not being able to visit him.

She is a good and strong young woman, I think she will have a great life.

Portrait in Reflected Light

She was at the front desk, then in the gallery as I looked at the exhibition. We got into a long discussion about the images in the show and that led to a discussion about my work which led to me asking her if she wanted to create some art with me which led to her saying yes which led us outside to take some photos I will use in a collage and also some straight portraits, of which this is one.

‘Portrait in Reflected Light’

At the Gate

Our daughter was housesitting at this gated ranch in Tucson and we waited outside after our initial conversation.

She ended up locking herself in the house and asking us to call her landlord, who came down to help out. She also called the police who came and told us (which we already knew) that she was an adult and could make her own choices, but that they would go talk to her.

They were able to talk her out of the house and she came out the same time her landlord arrived. She agreed to go get an evaluation, but only if her landlord took her, not us, and report back to us later that day. And that is what happened.

‘At the Gate’

The Beauty Queen of Starbucks

I met these three women at a Starbucks in Phoenix, Arizona, September, 05. The one with the head restraint was a jokster, having lots of fun, flirting and talking to everyone. I had to negotiate between them all to get my coffee then to use the creamers where they are standing.

She gave me lots of grief about my BIG camera being in the way and ribbing me that I probably just had it with me to impress women but didn’t really take any photos with it! When I asked her if I could take a photo she said ‘You need to tell everyone who sees it I really truly use to be a beauty queen!” I told her I would and so world, here is the Starbuck’s Beauty Queen of 2005!