People of Color #1 – A Spotted Woman with Flyer

This week you get to see sketchbook drawings again, woo hoo! These are colored marker
drawings I have done over the years. I drew, then colored, the people.

“A Spotted Woman with Flyer’

Most will have symbols and images familiar to those who have seen my work over the
years. I would love to know your thoughts on those symbols and the drawings in general.

Jane Goodall

I went to see Jane Goodall speak here in Tulsa in 2005

My very first report I ever did in school, 3rd grade, was on her and her chimps. It was from the first article about her ever in National Geographic. I have been in love with her and her work and spirit ever since and have followed her the whole time.

I got a chance to see her, draw her and then talk with her. A big moment for me, one of my all time heroes.

From 2004-5 sketchbook – ball point pen