Special Edition, Time Magazine!

Hello All,

Just wanted to let you know that this drawing is in the latest Time Magazine! It is the ‘Person of the Year’ issue and it comes out today (12/19). So, go to your local newstand/bookstore/back alley and pick up a copy!

‘I Love My Country’

You will find it in the section dedicated to “Obama on Flickr’ that shows the big surge in images, drawings, graphics, photos that surrounded his election.

When Obama was elected I went looking through my napkins to find just the right quote and drawing to express my positive feelings about the event. I just couldn’t find one so I went into the kitchen, found a napkin, rustled up the only marker I could find and drew away! I posted it the morning after the election on flickr and here. Along with many others who posted election related material I got a huge push in hits on that particular piece. It also engendered a lively conversation about Obama, elections, hope, hype and other ideas.

Time found my image as a result (along with many others) and after a little bit of back and forth with them they decided to publish it. I am excited to have the image among those generated by people spontaneously happy and proud of our country. As I said in my blurb below the napkin, I am not talking about Obama’s politics when I say that. I am talking about our American ideals of working towards the best in all of us.

Here is the link to the napkin on the Napkin Dad Daily blog. I reposted it today.

I also just found out that the Chicago Center for Literature and Photography is featuring my photography today on their website. When it rains it pours, eh? Here is that link.

Thanks and keep in touch, ok?


This is a drawing of my daughter, Connie. I am thankful today that her sister, Chelsea, traveled to Tucson to find her after she had disappeared from our lives for a quite a while. She found her and she is now going to come home to the family and get help for some serious issues she has. I am very grateful and thankful that she has been found.

‘Connie Reading’

What are you thankful for?

People of Color #4 – Portrait with Mask and Sunburn

Day four of my week long series on ‘People of Color’. A regular customer of mine at the restaurant where I worked for many years. I didn’t mean it to be such a flat, graphic image but something about the lines on the sheet and pillow started me in that direction and it slowly built from there. It wasn’t stylistically consistent with my other work at the time, but the subject matter and the stripes definitely were.

I don’t know if she ever saw this drawing or not actually.

‘Portrait With Mask and Sunburn’, prismacolor on paper, 22″ x 30″

People of Color #1 – A Spotted Woman with Flyer

This week you get to see sketchbook drawings again, woo hoo! These are colored marker
drawings I have done over the years. I drew, then colored, the people.

“A Spotted Woman with Flyer’

Most will have symbols and images familiar to those who have seen my work over the
years. I would love to know your thoughts on those symbols and the drawings in general.

The Weekend Well – Church Drawing #10

The 10th and last in the two week series of drawings I did in church.

This one really came about simply because the square in the upper half of the page had
the little drawing of a waterfall in it. So I just expanded out from it to create a
landscape. Not sure why I chose a well, maybe it is a wishing well, similar in kind to
how people think when they pray, as if they are wishing for something.