Portrait in Reflected Light

She was at the front desk, then in the gallery as I looked at the exhibition. We got into a long discussion about the images in the show and that led to a discussion about my work which led to me asking her if she wanted to create some art with me which led to her saying yes which led us outside to take some photos I will use in a collage and also some straight portraits, of which this is one.

‘Portrait in Reflected Light’

The Saleswoman

She was the saleswoman at the Vintage Clothing Store who was also a photographer and an artist and knew about the cool show at the Center for Creative Photography and she was right, it was great.

‘The Saleswoman’

I loved her great retro style with the bobbed hairdo and the ‘little house on the prairie’ dress. Her face was serious but not morose, filled with intelligence and just a bit of world weariness. She was a student and had a lot of study on her plate.

Sisters in the Heat

This week is about black and white portraits. I have a weakness for that look that has light showing off the skin, it’s texture and details. The one yesterday was about that. This one is from around 1990. It is a film shot so the skin details aren’t there the way I can capture them now, but you can still see my interest in getting the feeling of light and heat on the skin.

‘Sisters in the Heat’

Plus, what’s not to like about the late 80s early 90s look of hair and clothing, right?

People of Color #1 – A Spotted Woman with Flyer

This week you get to see sketchbook drawings again, woo hoo! These are colored marker
drawings I have done over the years. I drew, then colored, the people.

“A Spotted Woman with Flyer’

Most will have symbols and images familiar to those who have seen my work over the
years. I would love to know your thoughts on those symbols and the drawings in general.