Them Wonderful Artists

Another in my ‘Rejection Suite’ made of job application rejection letters on top of which I collaged self-rejected photos of mine. In each case I left showing certain words from the letter that hit me.

The Guillotine image came because of the bright red photo I had of the side of a
vintage restored car. It had it on my art table with the yellow square next to it and
saw the possibility of a head rolling out of the yellow square, simple as that. Thanks
to Cyndi, my former sister-in-law for letting her head roll in this image.

Rejection Suite – The Bearer of Sad Tidings

The Bearer of Sad Tidings

Day four of the week long rejection suite images. The idea behind this series wasn’t
just to do something with the rejection letters, it was to do something with the
rejected photographs I had taken over the years. This collage is an example of that,
using a boring ocean photo, two portraits that were just lighting experiments, and a
flared and blurred photo of who the hell knows what. Each by themselves wouldn’t be of
much interest but when put together with other images they certainly have much more
value and purpose.

Rejection Suite – Some People

I like this one because of the simplicity of the statement that I allowed to show
through combined with the scary tribal type face image. But I also love it because of
personal reasons, the woman is my ex-sister-in-law and she was the model who would be
enthusiastic about most anything I would suggest to do, including getting her face
painted as seen here. Also the background is a very memorable image from my ex-wife’s
house. The blinds would make a beautiful pattern with the sunlight in the late
afternoon and there was a hanging stained glass piece in the window that would cast
it’s color with the blinds straight lines.