Door with Woman Coming Through It

She was standing in the back of the vintage store, trying to step out of her closet into the real world. She had found her style, her look but she was still tentative about stepping into the limelight, about getting attention for who she was. But she was halfway out and you can’t get all the way out without first going half way. I knew she would make it eventually.

‘Door with Woman Coming Through It’

The Saleswoman

She was the saleswoman at the Vintage Clothing Store who was also a photographer and an artist and knew about the cool show at the Center for Creative Photography and she was right, it was great.

‘The Saleswoman’

I loved her great retro style with the bobbed hairdo and the ‘little house on the prairie’ dress. Her face was serious but not morose, filled with intelligence and just a bit of world weariness. She was a student and had a lot of study on her plate.

Them Wonderful Artists

Another in my ‘Rejection Suite’ made of job application rejection letters on top of which I collaged self-rejected photos of mine. In each case I left showing certain words from the letter that hit me.

The Guillotine image came because of the bright red photo I had of the side of a
vintage restored car. It had it on my art table with the yellow square next to it and
saw the possibility of a head rolling out of the yellow square, simple as that. Thanks
to Cyndi, my former sister-in-law for letting her head roll in this image.