Color Composition #1

Second in the series on Color Composition. I loved finding the little baskets sitting
in the sun next to the crumpled piece of paper that had the same color. the deep rich
version of that same color in the umbrella pole and the shadow cutting between the
other two made the composition worth capturing. The background had colors in the cool
spectrum and that made all the difference in bringing out the warmth of the orange.

Rejection Suite – The Bearer of Sad Tidings

The Bearer of Sad Tidings

Day four of the week long rejection suite images. The idea behind this series wasn’t
just to do something with the rejection letters, it was to do something with the
rejected photographs I had taken over the years. This collage is an example of that,
using a boring ocean photo, two portraits that were just lighting experiments, and a
flared and blurred photo of who the hell knows what. Each by themselves wouldn’t be of
much interest but when put together with other images they certainly have much more
value and purpose.

Portrait Indigo

Portrait Indigo

I was waiting for my wife to finish getting her hair done and was talking to the owner about maybe helping her with the salon website. I asked if I could take some photos of the environment so I could look for some visual inspirations for the site. I kept finding lamps and lights and beautiful shadows. I saw a woman who was paying after finishing and all those lights and lamps seem to be lighting her just perfectly as well.