The Racy Race Car Driver

Two days later the cheerleader was transformed into a race car driver.

I met her by accident elsewhere at the fair and stopped her to tell I had posted the photo of her as a cheerleader and the immediate response I got from a friend of hers who she went to high school with. She was very happy to hear it, saying it completely made her day.


We got into a conversation about how many costumes she has (about 150) and the amount of work she does traveling between Tulsa and Los Angeles.

She mentioned she needs to have photos taken of her in all her costumes to update her website and I offered my services to do the photo shoot but it never came about.

The Cheerleader at the State Fair in the Casino Set of the Creek Indians

I was at the Tulsa State Fair and came across this odd scene of a cheerleader in a casino display for the Creek Indian Nation. I see a lot of odd things at the fair, no doubt. But she was one of the most out of place! I asked her if I could take her picture and she immediately posed in this wonderfully unselfconscious way. She was happy and at peace with who she was and what she was doing.

The Cheerleader at the State Fair in the Casino Set of the Creek Indians

When I posted the photo on my flickr site I immediately got a comment from someone who said she knew the woman from high school and that she was one of the most beautiful and sweetest people she ever met. I loved hearing that about her.

Do Something About ROMANCE

This is the third in my week long series showing selections from the ‘sketchbook with voices’.

The top two photos were of friends of mine from the restaurant where I worked back in
the 80s and 90s. The bottom photo was a family friend from church. I know what you
are thinking; you took photos of a church friend’s cleavage? What sort of church did
you go to? The answers are yes, I did and it wasn’t the church that was odd, it was

As is often the case the photos had no idea they were destined for each other’s
company. At the time I had a big work table and I would have hundreds of photos on it
at a time, sort of like a person with a messy desk having piles of papers. In this
case the two bigger photos, of the breasts facing up and the cleavage, just happen to
land close to each other on the table at some point. I saw that maybe they would
match up and started to see the heart shape. I found the ROMANCE page shortly
thereafter and it all made sense.

The angel type image at the top just added the final element both compositionally and
thematically to the idea.

The Stranger Juxtaposition #6


In the sunset district of San Francisco, October, 2007. The gallery employee (I am imaging this but she probably isn’t, more likely a student or maybe a….no, I think I am right, a gallery something or other is likely) in the restaurant that I waited outside of while my wife went to the little girls room with the shoehorn (which wasn’t really in the restaurant, but a few doors down in the shoe store on a bench just sitting there by itself with a great reflection and I said it wrong, she didn’t go in the girl’s room with the shoehorn and the girls room did not have the shoehorn in it, just in case you got confused by my bad writing style) and the Avocados (which were in the market bin next to the tomatoes that were too red to put in the collage even though the photo had them in it and I liked how the red of the tomatoes brought out the red in the shoehorn, still it was too distracting) and the cleavage (which didn’t really belong to her, but to a woman on a bench in the bookstore at the magazine rack who I happened to walk by and noticed her necklace that was just a tad bit too far down her chest but it made me notice her) did it.


The General and His Star

‘The General and His Star’

The General’s Wife told us the story of how she got her star. He was up on stage receiving his star as a one star general. After the ceremony was done he stopped and started talking ad lib. He told of how he was there not due to his own efforts alone but the support of someone else. He brought his wife on stage and choking with emotion said that I have a star within this star on my shoulder and it is my wife Cindy. He presented her with a jewelry box and inside was the necklace you see, a diamond star surrounding a diamond star in the middle. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as you can imagine. She beamed as she told this story to the other wives and widows at the reunion. It made her very happy and that was where her beauty came from at that moment.