Portrait in Reflected Light

She was at the front desk, then in the gallery as I looked at the exhibition. We got into a long discussion about the images in the show and that led to a discussion about my work which led to me asking her if she wanted to create some art with me which led to her saying yes which led us outside to take some photos I will use in a collage and also some straight portraits, of which this is one.

‘Portrait in Reflected Light’


Another image from my recent auto repair garage shoot. I found the scaffold to be much more fun than the set up studio situation they had put together so I had a model climb up on it and took some shots. I knew her dress was short, but I had no idea how short until she was up there. I actually had to make her move her legs a number of times so I didn’t see her panties in the shot.


I manipulated this image quite a bit, just experimenting and playing with some perspective and warping tools to accentuate the legs that were already so obviously the center of the image.

The Racy Race Car Driver

Two days later the cheerleader was transformed into a race car driver.

I met her by accident elsewhere at the fair and stopped her to tell I had posted the photo of her as a cheerleader and the immediate response I got from a friend of hers who she went to high school with. She was very happy to hear it, saying it completely made her day.


We got into a conversation about how many costumes she has (about 150) and the amount of work she does traveling between Tulsa and Los Angeles.

She mentioned she needs to have photos taken of her in all her costumes to update her website and I offered my services to do the photo shoot but it never came about.