The Jeweler Who Didn’t Like the First One

Seeing Straight #2

I went into a jewelry store in Tulsa looking for something specific for my wife. I didn’t find it but had a great salesperson help me. She was informative and thoughtful. The whole front of the store was facing south with big windows and it was winter time so the sun was streaming in. It bounced off the floor and glass cases and landed on her in a wonderful way. I asked her if I could take some photos of her and she obliged me.

I did a collage and showed it to her a few days later. She was upset about how it looked, thinking I had made her look rather ugly. I didn’t think it did, but I didn’t post it out of respect for her discomfort. I did this one later, working with less manipulation and distortion and I think she was happier with it.

I love this piece because of how I got the hair and the line of her face to match up. She is the same top to bottom but then a second look obviously shows something isn’t as it should be. Just a bit of a skewed perspective on the portrait.

The General and His Star

‘The General and His Star’

The General’s Wife told us the story of how she got her star. He was up on stage receiving his star as a one star general. After the ceremony was done he stopped and started talking ad lib. He told of how he was there not due to his own efforts alone but the support of someone else. He brought his wife on stage and choking with emotion said that I have a star within this star on my shoulder and it is my wife Cindy. He presented her with a jewelry box and inside was the necklace you see, a diamond star surrounding a diamond star in the middle. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as you can imagine. She beamed as she told this story to the other wives and widows at the reunion. It made her very happy and that was where her beauty came from at that moment.