Door with Woman Coming Through It

She was standing in the back of the vintage store, trying to step out of her closet into the real world. She had found her style, her look but she was still tentative about stepping into the limelight, about getting attention for who she was. But she was halfway out and you can’t get all the way out without first going half way. I knew she would make it eventually.

‘Door with Woman Coming Through It’


Another image from my recent auto repair garage shoot. I found the scaffold to be much more fun than the set up studio situation they had put together so I had a model climb up on it and took some shots. I knew her dress was short, but I had no idea how short until she was up there. I actually had to make her move her legs a number of times so I didn’t see her panties in the shot.


I manipulated this image quite a bit, just experimenting and playing with some perspective and warping tools to accentuate the legs that were already so obviously the center of the image.

Composition with Dress

While we were in Waco, TX visiting Baylor I followed my wife and daughter around while they went shopping at a place that had multiple little spaces within it, sort of like an antique mall but with contemporary items.

This little spot did have older more antique type things and I was struck by the beautiful light flowing over the dress and table. I did just a slight bit of arranging to clean up the composition a bit then took the shot.

It is amazing how many opportunities arise when you have a camera with you, if you only but look with an eye for it.

The Clouds of Knowing – Velveteen Woman Project #46

The Dress shop clerk, happy and without guile. We have gone in the store a number of times on
our visit to Del Mar, it is a resale shop with great clothes and great deals. We were looking for
hats for the first day of the Del Mar Racetrack season, which we were going to attend just for
fun! Didn’t find a hat there, but did find some great deals and a great Tommy Bahama shirt.

She had brilliant blue eyes and the bright San Diego sun was out in full force so I asked her to
pose for me right outside her shop, which she was happy to do. I am not sure she was hot on my
taking photos of her feet, probably worried I had a foot fetish or something (I don’t), but she
allowed me to nonetheless.

Del Mar, California, July 2008

Color Composition #9

Last in the series of Color Compositions taken in June, 2008 at the Cherry Street Farmer’s Market in Tulsa, OK.
Next week it’s all about the USA!

I like this one a lot due to the bag being right down the middle of the image. I have been working on a REALLY old laptop since
January 08 and I have been doing the color based on that monitor. Now I am on my new computer and I realize how many of my images are oversaturated. But in this case I think I like it!